One of the impressive tables for the Bolt Action event. I have so far resisted the lure of this game, but perhaps I can dip my toe in...just in time for the game to lose popularity. |
As expected this convention was smaller than Historicon, and most of the action was in the central ballroom, with a Flames of War tournament on Saturday in one of the smaller rooms across the hall, and a Kings of War tournament in yet another room to the side. While waiting for my friends Charles and Robert to arrive from Charlotte, I wandered the main hall, taking pictures of the lovely tables, and chatting with a few of the players.
One of the games I stopped to watch was a skirmish game between a husband-wife duo who were playing Warmachine/Hordes. As a sci-fi/fantasy game, it is not something I care to invest in, but I could admire the paint jobs and the enthusiasm they had for their game.
Another impressive setup for a game I would have no interest in collecting for (Malifaux?). But I sure can appreciate the work which went into this presentation. |
I also took time to peruse the dealer displays along the walls, and considered where to spend my $5 in "Siege Bucks", a sort of refund and incentive to spend even more money at the con. The trouble is, I already had a lot of projects underway without adding more to the pile. While I understand that shopping is one of the main attractions at conventions, this can lead to overstuffed closets if you don't have a plan to use your purchases soon after you bring your loot home. So I passed on buying terrain items, or more figures, even some Gripping Beast plastics that I could see using for a second SAGA army. I ended up buying an un-punched copy of Avalon Hill's Tobruk for $15, or $10 out of pocket. Tobruk had been my first ever 'real' wargame back in 1978. $10 for a little nostalgia is not bad.
One of the handful of naval games at Siege: the littoral terrain made the game more interesting than the typical scenario on the high seas. |
While DBA is always fun, the poor turnout, and being located out in the lobby was a disappointment. The unpublished event time may have had much to do with it, but I didn't hear from anyone else at the con who came to play and missed it. Historicon in 2015 had 6 people involved in 15mm, and 8 in the 28mm event, but this is a far cry from the huge crowds reported to be at Historicon in the late 90's and early 2000's. Even way out in Los Angeles in those days, we'd have at least 20-25 people playing. It was exciting to meet other players outside your local circle, and see what people have painted, and what scenery they had made for the game.
The only other game I signed up for was a 40mm French and Indian game. I was on the French side, running regulars and Canadian militia, while my teammates ran French Marines and three units of natives. It was a beautiful game, with beautifully painted figures, and Bob Moon, the gentleman running the game, was well-prepared with player equipment, dice, and reference charts. I understand that he ran the same scenario two other times at the con using a different set of rules. From what I could tell, everyone had a good time, and the game ran very smoothly. For the price of admission to the con, I could enjoy a 'big game' without investment in all the scenery and figures. It also reminded me why I like to play on smaller tables. Since there were some 8-10 people involved, the table had to be big, maybe 8'x10' or so, but having to lean way over a wide table can be bad for the back.
Hey diddle diddle, right up the middle. But as the only regulars in the attacking force, I couldn't exactly skulk through the woods, could I? |
The British regulars awaiting my regulars, ready to shoot them down. The upper floor was also manned by provincial infantry with muskets. Imagine if he had had one MG42 up there! |
After this, I headed home, so I didn't get to play in any other games. I did however, get to catch up with Jerry F. and Kim A., a couple of acquaintances from Charlotte, and meet a new friend, Nick, who would come to our DBA game day in February. I plan to go again next year, and will probably stay through Sunday morning to get into one or two more games, or host one of my own. If I am ready to start another project, I may even buy a few things there. But more likely I will go just for the games and meeting new people.
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