February 12, 2019

Hello all,

I am a friend of Colin, and I am writing to let you know of some sad news. Over the past year Colin has been struggling with brain cancer, and has lost his battle with it. I am not sure how many of you knew Colin personally, but he was one of the finest people I have ever met. I truly enjoyed knowing him, and sharing his passion for wargaming.
Colin was patient, kind, and extremely humorous. His impersonations from various movies always got a great laugh from the guys in our group in charlotte.
Colin and I did quite a few videos together where he taught many difficult games with ease. SOme of his favorites were DBA, Lion Rampant, Songs of Drums and Tomahawks, and Maurice.
He is missed terribly, but his faith in God was strong to the end.
I am sure he would want to thank you for your following his page, and if you ever want to hear his voice you can always go to the youtube channel below to enjoy a few minutes we shared together.

God bless you all, and take care.

Charles Cabell
